Filling skilled hospitality roles on short notice
Our client was able to maintain adequate staffing levels for regular season sporting events through their internal team and nonprofit organizations. However, they found it almost impossible to forecast demand for skilled servers for holiday events, playoff games, and concerts. Ticket sales often spike in the days and even hours leading up to such events, which led to almost daily additions and subtractions of food and beverage units.
Our impact
Fill Rate
fill rate achieved
Our team was able to match candidates through the Bluecrew platform for all posted positions.
Quality Talent
of talent highly or average skilled
Our focus on quality paid off, with 60% of bartenders rated as highly skilled and 35% rated as average skilled.
show-up rate
Through additional screening, we narrowed down our roster to the most qualified candidates, as our client preferred quality over quantity.
What we did
Extra screenings, skill confirmation interviews, and a tool to call back top talent
One of our client’s biggest needs was for highly skilled and experienced bartenders and banquet servers. Finding candidates who have the necessary certification and aptitude to ensure first-rate guest experiences required a custom solution and process – one where quality was the more important metric. Our extra efforts to ensure that bartenders and banquet servers had the right skills, experience, and certification helped our client establish a team to call on for future events.
See what we can do for you